Sarah employee in the spotlight

Employee in the Spotlight: Sarah Kolling

Wait, don’t sign off for the holidays just yet! It’s time for the final Employee in the Spotlight of 2021. For those of you who don’t already know, in this monthly blog series, we give you an inside look at the Mopinion team and who we really are. Last month we learned all about our Content and Product Marketer Penny Warnock, and what a pleasure that was! This month, however, in our last post of the year, we’d like to introduce Sarah Kolling.

Meet Sarah. Sarah has been our Office Manager for almost half a year now. Her job is to make sure Mopinion can focus on its customers, by taking care of everything the team needs and working closely with our Finance department. In addition to her office manager duties, she also arranges all kinds of fun activities for the team!

sarah's workspace in the office

What does your position at Mopinion entail?

“It’s mainly a mix of a lot of different tasks. From managing office related stuff to organising team events and contributing to HR or Finance. I am also the main point of contact for colleagues and external suppliers.”

What initially drew you to Mopinion?

The fresh and young environment of Mopinion really appealed to me. Also the dynamic and rapidly changing industry which Mopinion is in captured my interest. During the first interview I could feel the flexibility and ease the company provides their employees with, which made me even more enthusiastic.

What does a typical work day look like for you?

“My day starts with an office round. These are mainly basic tasks to make sure everything is in order. The rest of the day depends on the week/month we’re in or the request of my colleagues. Making plans for upcoming events, preparing employee gifts, handling declarations, fixing supply requests etc. “

Needless to say, we’re well taken care of here at Mopinion.

sarah packing gift boxes

What is your favorite part about working at Mopinion?

“The trust that you receive. Micro-management does not exist in Mopinion’s dictionary! I’m able to organise things the way I think is best. And of course, we have lots of fun colleagues, the bar and a table tennis table at the office which aren’t bad either.”

What are the biggest challenges you face in your job?

“I know I can be quite chaotic. I really need to be organised to make sure I don’t forget something. As an Office Manager you must be accurate and respond quickly to different requests. Luckily I know this, so my desk is full of to-do-lists and post-its.”

What is your proudest moment at Mopinion?

“Organising a team event and the grand opening party in the first few weeks I started at Mopinion. I really liked making an inventory list and planning the whole day.”

And now for some fun questions …

What do you like to do in your free time?

“I don’t necessarily have a hobby, but I’m most happy when I’m surrounded by friends or family. It doesn’t really matter what we do, as long as I’m with good company I’m fine.”

What is your guilty pleasure?

“I actually really like jigsaw puzzles. Believe me, I could sit for hours with nothing but some music (or a podcast) and a puzzle. A good way to chill and clear the mind.”

What is one thing you can’t live without?

“That’s easy, my bed. My absolute favorite place in the world. Not that I’m lazy, I love to go out, but (almost) nothing beats a freshly changed bed.”

What is your favorite quote?

“If your glass is half empty, you just need a refill.”

What is your biggest fear?

“I am terrified of frogs. I have never met anyone who has that fear until recently when I found out there’s another colleague at Mopinion who is afraid of frogs as well! What are the odds?
And also definitely not a fan of feet.”

Where do you see yourself in five years?

“I’m hoping that in five years Mopinion has grown as fast as it’s growing now. That the Operations team has expanded and I have found a direction that I can specialise and evolve in.

I also secretly hope Mopinion has an office abroad (read Barcelona or any other sunny city ;)) by then. I would love to experience living and working abroad. “

sarah skydiving

What is something that not many people know about you?

I don’t think that many people would expect this, based on my physical appearance, but I’m a big fan of ‘extreme’ sports – like rafting a 7 meter waterfall, doing a canyon swing with a 60 meter free fall and skydiving!

Stay tuned for the next Employee in the Spotlight and enjoy the Holidays!

We hope you enjoyed getting to know our Office Manager a little bit better. In January we’ll kick off the new year with another Employee in the Spotlight featuring one of our new Customer Success Managers! But for now we wish you a wonderful holiday season and all the best for 2022!

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