Product Updates Enhanced Exports: It’s live! You spoke, we listened. With a little help from our customers, (and their useful feedback) we are always able to identify any issues within... Jos van der Kooij 02/09/2021
Product Updates Behind the Feedback: Enhanced Exports Mopinion is gearing up for the release of an improved feature called ‘Enhanced Exports’; a release which will strive to both simplify... Jos van der Kooij 02/07/2021
Product Updates Behind the Feedback: Email Widget Editor Mopinion has just released another exciting, new feature within the Mopinion platform – the email widget editor – which allows... Jos van der Kooij 14/06/2021
Product Updates Product Update: Multiple data sources in one chart and more Again it’s time for another Mopinion product update! And we’re keeping those updates coming! This month we’ve got a lot of new... Jos van der Kooij 23/04/2021
Product Updates Product Update: automated translations and much more It’s time for another Mopinion product update! This month we’ve got a lot of new features and updates for you including an exciting new... Jos van der Kooij 25/02/2021