Employee in the Spotlight: Cyriak Clarke

Employee in the Spotlight: Cyriak Clarke

Meet Cyriak. Cyriak joined the Mopinion Customer Support team just before the summer, and he’s already feeling at home here. And that’s saying a lot, considering he just moved to the Netherlands quite recently. When Cyriak is not answering questions from our customers or investigating issues, he loves to go out and discover new places.


What does your position at Mopinion entail?

“At Mopinion I spend the majority of my time responding to support tickets submitted by our customers. For simple and known issues, I can respond with a simple email, while for more complicated issues I will spend some time investigating the issue. If I cannot find a solution myself, I will bring it to the attention of the development team. I also schedule calls with customers where appropriate and will join in on calls with our customer success team when I am needed.”

Cyriak behind desk

What initially drew you to Mopinion?

“When I read the job description I was instantly drawn to apply as it was the perfect position for me and I haven’t looked back since.”

What does a typical work day look like for you?

“On a typical day, I wake up around 8.30. I start my day by taking a shower and making myself a coffee, sometimes with a small breakfast. I will start my work day by going through the list of tickets and picking up the ones that I can easily solve or those that are a higher priority. For the rest of my day, I will work on investigating open issues and attend any meetings I am booked for.”

What is your favorite part about working at Mopinion?

“Unlike my previous jobs, Mopinion has a great company culture. Everyone, even those above me in the hierarchy, are super friendly. I do not feel like I am under surveillance, instead I can relax and take my time. This allows me to provide a better quality of work and I can find enjoyment in my work”

We’re glad to hear this, since this is an important part of our company’s culture.

What are the biggest challenges you face in your job?

“The biggest challenge for me is the wide range of tickets that we receive. As I am still relatively new, there’s a wide range of topics for me to catch up on as well as new issues.
It can be quite challenging at times, however it keeps the job interesting and makes it feel rewarding once a difficult issue has been resolved.”

What is your proudest moment at Mopinion?

“Not long after I started at Mopinion, the company had a team catch up. There we go through each department and see how things are progressing. I was caught off-guard when the head of support (Pieter) had created a slide on his presentation to essentially show off one of my early development tickets. Receiving praise so early on was not something I expected, and it really made me feel welcome.”

And now for some fun questions…

What do you like to do in your free time?

“Since I was young, I’ve always played video games. My dad got me into the first Call of Duty game on the computer, and since then I have been hooked. In gaming, I have been involved in multiple community projects over the years and I continue to provide support where I can.

Outside of gaming, I love natural Geography, it is something I very much enjoyed studying at school.

Here is a picture of me by “An Chlock Mhór” aka The Big Stone from my last trip back home to Ireland.”

Cyriak Clarke

I also enjoy fishing, especially in freshwater lakes in Ireland.

Since moving to the Netherlands, I have been cycling a lot. I’ve always really enjoyed cycling, but never had so many options of where I can cycle until I came here. It’s really beneficial to me and something I do not take for granted.
I also enjoy nights out and trying new types of food. Here is a picture of me and my girlfriend at the Korean BBQ place in Rotterdam


What is your guilty pleasure?

“Almonds. Since moving here I discovered the ‘gevulde koek’ which is by far my favourite treat now.”

Yes, we feel you, this typical Dutch cookie tastes delicious.

What is the best purchase you’ve ever made?

“My best purchase is definitely my office chair. It’s important to take care of your back and since I spend a good portion of my time working and gaming I invested in a good chair called Trevor.”

Where do you see yourself in five years?

“At the moment, I don’t have any major long term plans. With how well things are going I wouldn’t be surprised if I am still working at Mopinion in 5 years and hopefully by that time I am fluent in Dutch”

What GIF describes you best?


Stay tuned for the next Employee in the Spotlight!

We hope you enjoyed this month’s Employee in the Spotlight! Stay tuned for our October spotlight…

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