Anne Mopinion Office Manager

Employee in the Spotlight: Anne van der Geest

It’s a great pleasure to present to you our next Employee in the Spotlight. At Mopinion we want to give some extra attention to our employees because we put our people first, so we’re putting them in the Spotlight one-by-one to see what they are up to. Last month we introduced Florent, our Sales talent for the French-speaking market. And now we want to introduce to you one of our newest additions to the team, our Office Manager Anne van der Geest.


Meet Anne. After joining Mopinion this past January 2021, we can safely say that Anne has already made a great addition to the Mopinion Fam. Not only does she make sure our office runs smoothly but she has developed some serious skills in keeping plants alive and practicing rap songs in the car. Curious to meet her?


Anne Mopinion Office Manager
Let’s see what Anne’s life as the Mopinion Office Manager looks like so far…

What does your position at Mopinion entail?

“As the Office Manager at Mopinion, I am the point of contact for everything related to the office. Essentially I support our business operations through organisational and administrative tasks.”

One thing that we learned over the last months: Anne’s got talent in making everything in the office run as efficiently and smoothly as possible.

What initially drew you to Mopinion?

“I was looking for a job, which I could combine with my schooling. After applying, I received a response and immediately received an invitation for a meeting the next day. Right away, I had a good feeling about Mopinion. The first interview felt really good, especially as I realised that the position really matched my interests.”

What does a typical work day look like for you?

Anne’s workdays can’t start without a cup of coffee… Or at least, that’s what she likes to tell herself.

“I think that coffee is almost the only thing which is typical for my work days. Everyday is different! I usually start with picking up the mail, checking my emails and making sure that everything in the office is organised. After that, I make a list of everything that needs to be done, check the incoming payments and do some administrational and financial stuff. The last few months I have been very busy with the furnishing of our new office, because we are going to move on the first of June.”

Exciting! We can’t wait to see what our new office will look like…

Anne Mopinion Office Manager

What is your favorite part about working at Mopinion?

“My favorite part about working at Mopinion is the company culture. I feel a lot of trust and freedom, which is very motivating for me. Because of the confidence they have in your responsibility, I am motivated to come up with new ideas and perform to the best of my ability. I also like my colleagues a lot, even though I haven’t met them all (yet) in real life.”

What are the biggest challenges you face in your job?

“I have a great sense of responsibility and want to do everything perfectly, so I sometimes take things home when things don’t go as planned. This can make it challenging to combine working and studying full time.”

What is your proudest moment at Mopinion?

“My proudest moment at Mopinion was probably when the office plant came back to life after I thought I had killed it. Our HR Manager Tessa taught me how to give love and affection to a plant.”


And now for some fun questions…

Anne van der Geest traveling

What do you like to do in your free time?

Anne loves to travel, so she looks forward to being able to crossing some borders again soon. Other than that, she likes to spend some time with friends out on the terrace or at a party.

“I also love to read, do spontaneous things, learn new stuff and play some squash or lift some weights. And I think, one of my favorite things to do is to discover new songs, listen to them 50 times a day and then never listen to them again.“

What is your guilty pleasure?

“Singing extremely loud in the car. Oh and the cinnamon sticks from Domino’s!”

When we asked what kinds of songs she’s singing at the top of her lungs, she laughed:
“Songs that help me practice my rap skills”.

Who inspires you?

“This may sound a bit cheesy, but definitely my parents. I am hoping to be a good partner and parent one day and have a lovely family of my own.”

What is one thing you can’t live without?

“My hair dryer.”

What is your favorite quote?

“Wie niet om zichzelf kan lachen, is inderdaad niet leuk”.

Translation: He who cannot laugh at himself, is indeed not funny.

“Probably because I always laugh the loudest at my own jokes.”

What is your biggest fear?

“Rollercoasters, can’t do it.”

The feeling of free falling is just not for Anne’s stomach.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

“Five years from now, I will probably have finished my masters degree and hopefully be working fulltime as a Psychologist.”

Anne van der Geest - headstand

What is something that not many people know about you?

“I can move my ears without touching them.”

We definitely can’t wait to see that in real life!

Stay tuned for more!

This was it with our glimpse at Anne’s daily life in and out of the Mopinion office. Who knew a headstand is a piece of cake for this power lady? We hope you enjoyed this edition of the Employee Spotlight series! Stay tuned for our next spotlight where we will introduce another Mopinion team member to you.

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