Alpharooms is one of the UK’s leading websites for discount hotels and flights, offering deals to over 220,000 properties around the world. Online travel bookings has largely become a commoditised marketplace that relies heavily on paid acquisition. Therefore price becomes a major factor in winning business – but in a market this big, no one can win on price all the time. Consequently, businesses need to generate value outside price and deliver a superior customer experience if they want to win market share.
And so began the partnership between Alpharooms and Customer Feedback Software Mopinion…
In this customer story, Head of Customer Experience at Alpharooms, Simon Kennedy sheds some light on their experience with the software thus far…
The Challenge
Analytics data is powerful for understanding: who, what, when and where. But what Alpharooms was missing was the WHY.
We needed a website feedback tool that would enable us to capture feedback across an array of touchpoints, channels, devices, and segments, as well as help us understand why customers do what they do
Simon Kennedy, Head of CX, Alpharooms
Additionally, Alpharooms was in search of a feedback solution that offered a wide selection of feedback forms.
“We wanted to have multiple form display options – aside from “pop-ups” and modals – so having access to passive feedback form display options (e.g. the feedback button and embedded forms) was a huge advantage for us. Additionally, due to large traffic shifts to mobile, mobile-friendly feedback forms were an essential item on our checklist.”
And then of course, there were particular requirements that needed to be met for analysis.

Free White Paper: Improving travel websites and apps with user feedback
A great guide for digital professionals about the importance of user feedback in a digitising travel industry.
“Manually analysing feedback is a major resource drain – so the ability to create intelligent forms with a mix of qualitative and quantitative options was key. We also needed to make our feedback actionable, so having reports and dashboards for quick and easy analysis was also very important”
Having started out with Hotjar, the Alpharooms team recently decided to make the switch to Mopinion.
“With Hotjar there just wasn’t enough flexibility and functionality to support an ‘always on’ customer feedback loop, so we were really happy when we discovered Mopinion…”
The Solution
“Mopinion offers endless flexibility – in the way we set up forms, how they look on the front end, how data is tagged and categorised, and how data is presented in configurable dashboards. This flexibility helps reduce the necessity of developers for some tasks – which is really powerful.”
Additionally, Alpharooms uses customer feedback alongside its A/B testing initiatives…
“We can do intelligent things like use embedded forms to quickly create A/B testing experiences, trigger forms based on the existence of a certain cookie (which is linked to the user seeing a test variant) and capture extra page data / data layer objects that allow us to segment the data in even more powerful ways (e.g. link transaction revenue to customer segments that provided feedback).”
The Results
“Mopinion has made us much more agile in capturing, analysing and actioning customer feedback. This goes beyond the traditional use cases of general website feedback, as this software allows us to link customer data across channels (website, emails, etc) and integrate powerfully into our A/B testing program.”
Alpharooms has yet to delve into the AI and sentiment analysis, but have made it clear that that is next on their list…
“We did a lot of research on the different customer feedback / CX tools in the market, and Mopinion was definitely the leader in value for money. They also provide excellent service in sales, onboarding and customer support!”
Ready to see Mopinion in action?
Want to learn more about Mopinion’s all-in-1 user feedback platform? Don’t be shy and take our software for a spin! Do you prefer it a bit more personal? Just book a demo. One of our feedback pro’s will guide you through the software and answer any questions you may have.