New Business Team in Focus: Building lasting relationships

New Business Team in Focus: Building lasting relationships

Mopinion’s company culture distinguishes us. We are a varied group of individuals who are highly enthusiastic about our work and enhancing digital experiences. With diverse backgrounds and nationalities, our team is ambitious yet also knows how to enjoy ourselves. This is how our FRESH perspective was born.

FRESH is the essence of Mopinion and we’re eager to share it with you. Each month, we’ll demonstrate how our company and its various departments embody the FRESH values that define us. This month, we had the pleasure of speaking with none other than the New Business team.

In this post, Head of New Business, Luke Price, and Business Development Manager, Gady van Meggelen-Büscher, explain how the team incorporates these values to reach their goals.

But first, let us explain what we mean by FRESH.

The FRESH Perspective

If you’re not familiar with the FRESH perspective, here it is.

FRESH is who we are. It stands for Feedback, Result, Eager, Social and Humour and each and every team within Mopinion embodies these values in one way or another.

FRESH perspective

We practise what we preach. Listening to our clients and using their input to continuously provide a solution fit to their needs is our top priority.

Mopinion strives to be the best solution of its kind. Our team works day in and day out with this ambition in mind.

We are constantly on the move – seeking new opportunities to grow and expand our solution and services and truly make an impact on the market.

The team carves out time to give back to the society and the people around us – through volunteering and charitable giving.

Our success is thanks to our ability to stay true to who we are. We know how to incorporate humour into our work, making it fun and professional for everyone!

Which leads us to: how does the New Business team work to live up to these values? Let us tell you.

Mopinion’s New Business team

The aim of the New Business Team is to grow the Mopinion family. They reach out to new companies who can benefit from collecting digital user feedback to discuss and share how the Mopinion software can suit their specific needs.

Gady and Luke describe how the team dynamic is built on clear communication but also trust and having fun. The nature of their job is split into two parts. One is teamwork, which includes business strategies and mutual projects, while the other part is more individual. This is why it’s so important that the entire team is aligned.

Gady explains:

“I like the fact that we work individually but together at the same time. We are always in tune with what is happening and where we want to go with the overarching goals.”

Luke agrees and adds:

“I think what’s interesting about our line of work is that you can use your own skills and knowledge. There is no one way of doing things.”

How the New Business team lives up to the FRESH values

F stands for Feedback

It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that we at Mopinion value feedback. Which is why it’s at the top of our core values.

Feedback permeates everything in our business and the New Business Team is no exception. Luke explains that the team gets a lot of feedback through talking and listening to the companies they are in contact with. Luke explains:

“We talk to a lot of people and the first thing we discuss is their feedback collection needs. These conversations allow us to get a feeling of what they appreciate about our product, but also what they might be missing.

We keep track of how often we receive requests and communicate that to the product team who then conducts further research into the subject. Of course, we can’t pass on every request that comes up because the product needs a vision and a direction. But when trends emerge, we keep an eye on it and we have a few features that have been developed this way. The user management feature and Direct Insights are a couple of examples.”

Luke Price, Head of New Business at Mopinion

Do you want to read more about how the Mopinion Product Team works with user feedback? Read this interview with our Head of Product, Jos van der Kooij.

R is for Result

‘Result’ is a relative term and can mean many different things depending on who you ask. For the New Business team, results are very tangible. Their success is seeing the number of happy Mopinion customers grow. Which is something the team finds very rewarding. Luke explains:

“It’s a very measurable role and perhaps more tangible than other positions. But I really like that. It’s easy to see when things are working or when you might have to adjust something, whether that boils down to strategy or something else.”

Gady also explains that part of the joy of introducing and bringing in new customers to Mopinion, is the collaboration.

Gady van Meggelen-Büscher, Business Development manager at Mopinion

“If everyone contributes to spreading the word, people will have heard of us and approach us when they are looking for a solution that fits their feedback needs. And I like the fact that we are trying a lot of different things to reach companies where Mopinion can be a good fit. It really makes the work fulfilling.”

They both agree that the ultimate result is seeing new, happy customers like Jumbo, Transavia and Engie adopt Mopinion.

E is for Eager

Being eager is at the core of what the New Business team does. We would dare say that it is impossible to reach out to new people and build relationships without eagerness being one of your characteristics.

Luke explains:

“You just have to have this natural urgency in our profession. And it also ties into innovation; thinking about different ways or approaches of doing things. It’s just constant experimentation.”

Gady agrees and elaborates on how that first contact between two companies is established. The New Business team always wants to ensure that our customers get the most out of the Mopinion software so they can reach their digital feedback goal. Sometimes that process goes really quickly. Other times things can take a little longer. For example, it might not be the right time to start a new collaboration or there might already be another solution in place. That’s why the New Business team’s main goal is to create lasting relationships.

Gady shares: “I’m really proud of the customers I have introduced to the Mopinion family. And if you reach out and start communicating the right way, you build a strong relationship before they even become your customer.”

S is for Social

If being eager is a natural characteristic of someone working within New Business, then social is second nature. Luke elaborates:

“There are social aspects in terms of prospecting, social selling, being active and visible on social media. These are all important parts of building lasting relationships.”

The team also makes sure that they go out and mingle and see their contacts in person. Gady explains:

“I really enjoy going to events. It’s nice to meet the people you’ve been speaking to in person and you can tell that people recognise the name Mopinion. It’s also a great way to get first-hand insights into what obstacles the market faces when it comes to digital feedback.

Getting this information makes our job easier because it allows us to give advice and tips to help them reach their goals.”

Gady van Meggelen-Büscher, Business Development manager at Mopinion

But there are, of course, two sides to the social coin. One part is connecting with potential customers, as we’ve just discussed. The other part is the teamwork. Both within New Business itself, but also with other teams in the company. Gady describes what she enjoys about the team atmosphere:

“We all work together towards one goal – getting the client what they need. What makes that so much easier is that within Mopinion, everybody genuinely likes each other.

That is what makes us such a good team because we appreciate each other and each other’s knowledge.”

H is for Humour

Last but not least, humour! It is important to have fun at work. The New Business team is of course no exception to this. Luke explains how humour is not only a big part of their team, but also of the Mopinion team as a whole.

“Humour is another thing you just intrinsically have to have to work with when creating new business. You can’t take yourself too seriously.

I think the banter and the messing about when we’re in the office together is also really important for building team spirit. And this goes for the entire company. Everybody’s really down to earth and the structure is very flat.”

New Business: building lasting and meaningful relationships

The New Business team is integral to Mopinion in more ways than one: fostering new relationships, driving growth, and ensuring our solutions meet market needs. Their efforts are pivotal in expanding our client base, refining our approach through valuable feedback and solidifying Mopinion’s position as a leader in digital feedback solutions. The team’s dedication and enthusiasm shine through in their ability to connect with potential clients and demonstrate how Mopinion can enhance their digital experiences.

Stay tuned for more updates from the Mopinion team and insights into how we build the #1 feedback software for web, app and email. We are proud to have such a dedicated and skilled New Business team driving our growth and helping us deliver the best solutions to our clients.

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