Mopinion’s Top 10 ‘Hottest’ Blog Posts of 2017

Mopinion’s Top 10 ‘Hottest’ Blog Posts of 2017

And…that’s a wrap for 2017! We are thrilled to report that we’ve published well over 100 blog posts this year. Aside from being a great resource for everything online feedback, the Mopinion blog covers a wide range of digital topics and trends. From Customer Experience and User Experience to the Online Customer Journey and the rise of Mobile, we’ve written articles catered to every digital role.

So let’s take a few moments and reflect on Mopinion’s Top 10 Hottest Blog Posts of 2017!

#1: How to Use Visual Feedback for Web Design

Mopinion: Mopinion’s Top 10 ‘Hottest’ Blog Posts of 2017 - Visual Feedback for Web Design

In the world of web design, a lot of time is spent on design iteration – which includes prototyping and testing as well as analysis, product revisions and refinement. This can be very time-consuming and often requires tight lines of communication between web designers and their testers. Luckily, today there are various types of visual feedback tools on the market that streamline this process.

This article dives into the value of visual feedback in web design as well as five common issues that business experience along the way.

Read How to Use Visual Feedback for Web Design here.

#2: Best Growth Hacking Tools for Startups

Mopinion: Mopinion’s Top 10 ‘Hottest’ Blog Posts of 2017 - Growth Hacking for Startups

Growth Hacking…we’ve all heard of it before. In fact, it has practically become a buzzword among startups. In search of low cost solutions and unconventional marketing methods, everyone is calling themselves a growth hacker these days. However, if you want to become a much-prided growth hacker, having the right tools in your possession is essential.

This article highlights the best growth hacking tools on the market that will certainly put your startup on the path to growth and success.

Read Top 35 Best Growth Hacking Tools for Startups here.

#3: Mapping the Online Customer Journey for Travel Companies

Mopinion: Mopinion’s Top 10 ‘Hottest’ Blog Posts of 2017 - Online Customer Journey Travel

Customers in the travel industry are quickly evolving. They’re taking things into their own hands and seeking more control over the booking process – in an online environment. Referred to as DIY travelers, they are well-seasoned and digitally confident consumers who, unfortunately for travel marketers, make understanding the online customer journey that much more challenging.

This articles hones in on the travel industry’s online customer journey, focusing on popular themes such as personas, mobile and user feedback.

Read Mapping the Online Customer Journey for Travel Companies here.

#4: Optimising the Online Customer Journey: for Ecommerce Websites

Mopinion: Mopinion’s Top 10 ‘Hottest’ Blog Posts of 2017 - Online Journey Ecommerce

With the various devices and channels that are now available to online consumers, the online buying process in Ecommerce is not necessarily linear anymore. In other words, it has become quite complex. To even begin to understand how your customers make their purchasing decisions, it’s crucial that you are familiar with the 5 stages of the ecommerce journey, starting from awareness and ending at loyalty & advocacy. On top of that, it’s also helpful to analyse customer behaviour in these stages and know when and where in the funnel you can capture these visitors and convert them into customers.

This article dives into the ecommerce customer journey, how you can use feedback to capture visitors in online funnels as well as keep customers loyal after they’ve converted.

Read Optimising the Online Customer Journey: for Ecommerce Websites here.

#5: Top 10 Best Guides for Digital Customer Experience Experts

Mopinion: Mopinion’s Top 10 ‘Hottest’ Blog Posts of 2017 - Digital CX Experts

Digital Customer Experience (CX) is exponentially shaping many business strategies today. This is the result of the rapid growth in digital channels and touchpoints. Additionally, in a study carried out by Walker Information, it was concluded that CX will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator in 2020! This means if you don’t yet have a digital customer experience programme in place, it’s time to get started.

This article outlines several great resources for those who want to become digital customer experience experts. Among the resources, you’ll find beginner’s guides, white papers, reports and much more.

Read Top 10 Best Guides for Digital Customer Experience Experts here.

#6: The Best Feedback Form Templates for your Website

Mopinion: Mopinion’s Top 10 ‘Hottest’ Blog Posts of 2017 - Feedback Form Templates

Online feedback forms are dynamic tools used to capture customer feedback on websites and apps. Applying these forms to your website can help you gauge which issues your customers are running into, why they are aren’t converting, and much more.

Depending on who you will target for feedback, what you want to achieve and of course, how you’re going to achieve it, there are different feedback for templates you can apply to your website or mobile app. These templates use various different metrics and follow up questions that help your visitors supply your business with meaningful and actionable feedback.

This article not only analyses 6 different feedback form templates you can choose from but also provides several design tips for implementing your new feedback forms.

Read The Best Feedback Form Templates for your Website here.

#7: Quantitative vs Qualitative Online Customer Feedback

Mopinion: Mopinion’s Top 10 ‘Hottest’ Blog Posts of 2017 - Qualitative vs Quantitative

As you might’ve guessed, quantitative feedback and qualitative feedback are wildly different. And yet, at the same time they are very dependent on one another. So how different are they? And what can be gained from asking online customers for feedback that falls in one or both of these categories?

This article takes a deeper look into the benefits of collecting both qualitative and quantitative feedback, including tips on how to actually collect this feedback.

Read Quantitative vs Qualitative Online Customer Feedback here.

#8: Are Session Recording Tools a Risk to Internet Privacy?

Mopinion: Mopinion’s Top 10 ‘Hottest’ Blog Posts of 2017 - Session Recording and Privacy

Internet privacy and therefore also session recording tools have been a hot debate for quite a while now. Especially with the upcoming legal changes that will be put into effect under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in May of 2018…

With the input from several privacy experts, including Frank Wijnans(Spokesperson of the Piratenpartij, member of the Pirate Parties International – PPI) and Arnoud Engelfriet (IT and Privacy Lawyer), this Mopinion article takes a look at what session recording tools are and how they work, but also the potential privacy risks and legal consequences of using such tools.

Read Are Session Recording Tools a Risk to Internet Privacy? here.

#9: What Makes a Good User Experience for my Mobile App?

Mopinion: Mopinion’s Top 10 ‘Hottest’ Blog Posts of 2017 - User Experience for Mobile App

Today most businesses use responsive and adaptive websites. However, these same businesses are also considering using mobile apps – but the question is – are these mobile apps user-friendly? This is a critical factor considering almost 55% of Millennials (the largest demographic of mobile users) expressed that if the mobile app experience is poor, they would be less likely to use the products or services of that company…

This article provides readers with three quick wins for achieving a good user experience for their mobile app.

Read What Makes a Good User Experience for my Mobile App? here.

#10: 5 User Experience Strategies to Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment

Mopinion: Mopinion’s Top 10 ‘Hottest’ Blog Posts of 2017 - Shopping Cart Abandonment UX

Shopping cart abandonment is an occurrence that plagues many retailers and webshops all over the world on a daily basis. Just the mere thought of a customer getting all the way to the shopping cart only to leave empty-handed is rather irksome, isn’t it? If we told you there were ways to take action and prevent this from happening in the first place, would you take them? Of course you would!

In a previous article, we discussed how customer feedback can contribute to a lowered shopping cart abandonment rate. However, this article will now focus purely on the user experience side of your website, including five UX strategies.

Read 5 User Experience Strategies to Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment here.

Happy reading in 2018!

Mopinion: Mopinion’s Top 10 ‘Hottest’ Blog Posts of 2017 - New Years

We’ve got plenty more blog posts on the menu for 2018 that we hope will further guide you in enhancing your online feedback programme and we can’t wait to get started! However because we value the content we provide as much as we value our readers, we’d love to give you the opportunity to provide us with ideas or suggestions for areas you’d like us to touch on this year. Please feel free to submit your comments below.

Cheers and Happy New Year!

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