Mopinion: September Product Update: new security measures and a sneak peek into the new user interface - Cover

Product Update: new security measures and more

Mopinion is dedicated to providing its customers with the best possible feedback analytics software on the market. In order to maintain this status, our team strives to make constant and valuable improvements to our platform. We do this using the feedback provided directly by our customers. That being said, we’ve got plenty of product updates to share with you this month! We have several new security updates including SCA-compliant payments in Stripe and a new feature that enables users to anonymise their own feedback data. We also want to give you a sneak peek into the newest version of our software which is set to go live in January 2020!

Learn more about these exciting new updates below.

1. Users can sign into their account via the Mopinion website

In response to the feedback we’ve received from our customers, we have added a login button to the homepage of our website. Now users can easily access their Mopinion accounts by clicking on the button, ‘Go to App’ at the top right corner of the homepage. The button will take you to the login page where you will need to provide your login credentials.

Mopinion: September Product Update: new security measures and a sneak peek into the new user interface - Login Button

Already logged into your account? Then by clicking this button, you will be immediately redirected to your Mopinion dashboard.

2. Use Javascript variables in global form logic

We’ve also added the possibility to use JavaScript variables in the global form logic. You can use JavaScript variables (that are grabbed from the page where the form is loaded) to hide or show questions in the form, or to prefill input fields in your form.

The JavaScript variables are evaluated when the form opens. This means you can dynamically change the form based on what is happening on the page.

Mopinion: September Product Update: new security measures and a sneak peek into the new user interface - JS logic

This will allow you to deliver a more customised experience to your customers.

3. Mopinion’s online payment process (Stripe) is now SCA regulated

SCA, which stands for Strong Customer Authentication, is a new regulation that affects all online payments for European customers. SCA, which went into effect 14 September 2019, is essentially an added protection measure that requires customer to authenticate their transactions. This new European regulation minimises fraud and creates a more secure environment for online payments.

Note: the following information pertains to clients that have a Mopinion account that was paid for using a credit card. No additional action is required from these users. When action is necessary, you will receive an email that will guide you through the process.

So what has Mopinion done to become compliant?
Previously, customers ordering a subscription via our website (via online payment processing tool Stripe) were brought to this page. Here they simply filled in their payment details and the transaction was carried out.

Mopinion: September Product Update: new security measures and a sneak peek into the new user interface - Payment details

However, now when they click the ‘Checkout’ button, the following window will appear, requiring them to verify / authenticate the transaction. This process varies from bank to bank.

Mopinion: September Product Update: new security measures and a sneak peek into the new user interface - Secure page

If the authentication is successful, the user will be redirected back to the Mopinion dashboard just like before. However, if the authentication fails, a pop up message will appear at the top right corner of the screen (see below).

Mopinion: September Product Update: new security measures and a sneak peek into the new user interface - Authentication failed

SCA also affects our ongoing subscriptions and recurring charges. If a customer’s package is about to be renewed, Stripe will try to make the payment for them (as it is now). However if the bank requires authentication, Stripe will automatically send an email to the customer requiring them to authenticate it in order to complete the transaction.

4. New (automated) data anonymisation

According to article 5 (Data Processing) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), ‘personal data should only be retained as long as it is necessary to provide a service. After that it may be retained if the data no longer permits the identification of individuals’.

In compliance with this article, Mopinion was previously manually anonymising data for its clients. However now we have automated this process, whereby clients can decide when their feedback data is anonymised. All the client has to do is select the timeframe(s) in which they wish to have their feedback data anonymised (amount of days before the data is going to be anonymised) and the fields that they want to include or exclude from anonymisation (such as first name, last name, email address, phone numbers, import ID and more).

Mopinion: September Product Update: new security measures and a sneak peek into the new user interface - Standard anonymised fields

Mopinion: September Product Update: new security measures and a sneak peek into the new user interface - Anonymise after period

For example: once anonymised, becomes **@***.*** and other data such as names are labeled **ANONYMISED**.

Mopinion: September Product Update: new security measures and a sneak peek into the new user interface - Anonymised data

This anonymisation of data will not only serve as a safeguard for personal data but also lower client risk profiles as well as exposure in the event of a personal data breach.


A brand new version of the Mopinion software…

There have been massive developments in front-end technology over the last few years; developments which have unleashed new possibilities for delivering a better user experience, allowed for more complex and interesting user interactions, and have increased the scalability of applications. In other words, it was time for Mopinion to evaluate other options and find ways to make our own software more scalable and efficient for our users.

After evaluating our options, we decided upon rewriting our app’s front-end code using React, a JavaScript library built by Facebook. A perfect fit for Mopinion, this library allows us to declaratively describe the User Interface using dynamic data and for that interface to change when the data changes. Based on feedback from customers, qualitative user research and data analysis, we found ways to improve important user flows such as building deployments, navigating the inbox and setting up charts and dashboards. In short, React will enable us to increase the scalability of our app as well as allow us to roll out new features faster and deliver a more consistent experience.

We’ve reimagined your workflow. We want the feedback data you need at your fingertips. We want you to be able to see and work with your data as quickly as possible.

Anwar Jebali, Senior Web Developer & Front-End Team Lead

inbox filter animation

Because it is still a work in progress, we can’t give it all away just yet. But what we can tell you is that this revamped and future-proof version of our software will leave you with smooth workflows and an even more efficient way of working with your feedback!

Stay tuned! In the coming months we’ll be giving you sneak peeks highlighting all the cool new features that you’ll be able to get your hands on starting January 2020!

Suggestions or questions about the new updates?

Do you have ideas or suggestions on how we can improve our software to meet your needs? We are always open to new ideas! Feel free to send us an email.

Ready to see Mopinion in action?

Want to learn more about Mopinion’s all-in-1 user feedback platform? Don’t be shy and take our software for a spin! Do you prefer it a bit more personal? Just book a demo. One of our feedback pro’s will guide you through the software and answer any questions you may have.

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