Release Note: Mopinion for Apps updates

Release Note: Mopinion for Apps updates

Whether you are already using Mopinion for Apps to collect feedback or are looking into the possibility of getting more in-app insights, we have good news for you! We’ve been working hard to bring new features and improvements across all our SDKs and plugins with the aim of aligning them even more – helping you to create a seamless user experience.

Aligning the different mobile SDKs will allow you to create app feedback forms that look and feel the same – no matter what device or OS your users use. Consistency is one of the main pillars when it comes to user experience (UX) design and feedback forms are no exception to this rule.

Creating a coherent experience between all your channels builds trust and brand recognition. This, in turn, has a positive effect on the overall user experience, which boosts both conversion and customer loyalty. After all, 85% of customers report that they expect a consistent experience across all channels of a company.

So what has changed in the Mopinion software to make this possible? Let’s dive into the juicy details.

Pssst! Learn everything you need to know about Mopinion for Apps here.

Native SDKs

React Native SDK

React Native SDK

If you are working with the React Native framework from Meta we have a bunch of fixes and features for you:

  • You can now create slide-in forms (with a customisable height).
  • The Multimedia element is now supported. This allows you to add videos (like Youtube or Vimeo videos) to your feedback forms
  • The Link element in feedback forms is now supported. You can now add URL links to your feedback forms.
  • Support for adding a tooltip, a legend (an explanation of the scores your user can give), a progress bar and the ‘something else…’ option has been added.
  • We’ve made several changes to align the look and feel of feedback forms within all different SDKs. This includes the Numeric rating element and the Star rating element.
  • Automatic skipping of empty pages and automatic submissions of completed feedback forms are now supported. This makes it easier to collect feedback, as it’s directly sent to you once the user has answered the last question.

Go here and follow the steps to install the latest version.

Native Android SDK

Native Android SDK

The latest version of the Mopinion Native Android SDK includes the following new features and fixes:

  • We’ve made several changes to align the look and feel of feedback forms within all the different SDKs. This includes the Numeric rating element, the Star rating element, the Tumbs up/down element and the Progress bar.
  • We had an issue in Android Tiramisu and later versions where users couldn’t change the Gallery permissions to allow a screenshot to be uploaded. This has now been fixed.
  • In some cases, the ‘close’ button in the Mobile Webview forms was not working properly. This has now been fixed.
    For the Radio Button, Checkbox and Select elements, there was a colour issue for the answer option ‘Something else…’. This has now been fixed.
  • Jetpack Compose (a technology to install SDKs) compatibility is improved and documentation is now included in the ReadMe.

Go here and follow the steps to install the latest version.

Native iOS SDK

Native iOS SDK

The latest version of the Mopinion Native iOS SDK includes the following new features and fixes:

  • We’ve made several changes to align the look and feel of feedback forms within all the different SDKs, including the Numeric Rating element.
  • On iPad Os, there was an issue where elements on the right side of the form were placed out of view. This has been amended.

Go here and follow the steps to install the latest version.

Web SDKs


  • Various changes have been made to align the look and feel of feedback forms within all the different SDKs.

Go here to find and install the latest version.


Flutter Plugin

Flutter plugin

The Mopinion Flutter plugin is updated to work with the latest versions of the Native Android and Native iOS SDKs.

Go here and follow the steps to install the latest version.

Mopinion Feedback Forms apps

The optimal way to test your feedback forms on an actual mobile device is with our Feedback Forms apps.

The Feedback Forms apps for Android and iOS are now updated to support the features and options available in the latest Native Android and Native iOS SDKs.

Download on the appstore
Get it on Google Play

That was all the news for this time! But stay tuned: We are continuously updating our software to give you an even better experience while collecting user insights. In other words: We’ll be in touch with more new features soon.

Are you new to Mopinion?

Mopinion is the #1 Feedback Software for web, app and email. Want to improve your users’ or visitors’ digital experience? You’ve come to the right place. Mopinion helps you uncover valuable insights into your users’ behavior. You know what they do; now discover why through digital feedback.

Schedule a demo with one of our feedback specialists to see how Mopinion can benefit your business or organisation. Or, sign up for a free 14-day trial to explore and test our platform on your own. The choice is yours!

Ready to see Mopinion in action?

Want to learn more about Mopinion’s all-in-1 user feedback platform? Don’t be shy and take our software for a spin! Do you prefer it a bit more personal? Just book a demo. One of our feedback pro’s will guide you through the software and answer any questions you may have.

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