Improve your UX with these strategies

10 Proven Strategies for UX Improvement

UX improvement isn’t just about making your website or app look pretty; it’s about creating seamless, intuitive, and enjoyable experiences for your users. A well-crafted UX not only increases user engagement but also fosters trust, enhances brand loyalty, and drives conversions. But how do you create and maintain a UX that is impactful and leaves a long lasting impression on your users?

In this blog, we delve into 10 effective strategies employed by leading brands to elevate user experience by collecting feedback. Let’s explore how these strategies can transform your UX journey. But first, why feedback?

Why use feedback to improve UX?

There are lots of reasons to employ feedback within your UX strategy, including:

  • Easily uncover bugs and page errors in the blink of an eye
  • Make improvements to digital content and website design
  • Create strong hypotheses for A/B testing initiatives
  • Keep in touch with how your channels are performing
  • Prioritise your product roadmap
  • Remove friction in the online journey

10 ways to achieve a better user experience on web and app

There are lots of ways to measure and improve your user experience. However, user experience surveys take the cake when it comes to understanding how your users perceive the website or app.

In fact, all of the brands listed below are actively improving their UX using several different feedback strategies. Let’s take a closer look.

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This post contains insights from our latest episode of Empower Digital users. Check out 10 effective ways to boost UX for your websites and apps.

1. Always gather general feedback

Most brands that use feedback often gather their feedback on a continual basis with a (passive) feedback button. This means that they have feedback surveys available on nearly every page of their website or within the menu of their mobile app, giving the users around the clock access. This serves as a non-invasive way of gathering insights as it requires the user to initiate the survey. Additionally, general feedback is a great way of tracking customer satisfaction (which is typically the metric used in these surveys) and catching bugs that occur on the web or app.

Brands like Euro Car Parts (UK’s #1 car parts supplier) and Homebase (British home improvement retailer) do this well.

As you can see in the survey below, Euro Car Parts uses several different question types including smileys, a pull-down about frequency on the site and a categories section. This combination is quick and easy and provides them with a wide range of data regarding the general UX of their website.

Euro Car Parts general survey
Source: Euro Car Parts

Homebase also serves as a great example of a general feedback survey. With questions ranging from smileys (measuring customer satisfaction) to reasons for visiting the site. They also make use of a Goal Completion Rate measurement to gauge whether users are meeting their goals on the site. This metric can shed a lot of light on potential hurdles that are keeping your users from converting.

Homebase General Survey
Source: Homebase

2. Make gathering UX insights feel like a conversation

Another way to engage with your users is to provide them with a chat-like experience. This is a much more personal and friendly way of gathering insights into your UX. Not only does it build trust and rapport with your users, it also allows you to steer your customers in the right direction. For example, if they have feedback about an order, you can quickly and easily point them towards your customer service tools.

Conversational feedback surveys are also experienced as a more casual and non-invasive way of providing feedback which often leads to higher response rates. Take it from Vodafone:

We have experienced nearly 60% more engagement with our conversational feedback surveys as opposed to the standard, passive surveys. It seems that our customers perceive this type of survey as more of a conversation rather than a poll. It’s more engaging and likely feels ‘quicker’ for them

They achieved this using a survey like the one below. Here you can see that they offer several different answer options per question so that the feedback is quick and easy to fill in.

Vodafone conversational survey
Source: Vodafone

Another great example is Etos, a Dutch drugstore. The informal tone in their conversational surveys works great for gathering feedback from online customers. In the general feedback survey below they say: “Great to see you in our shop! What do you think of the Etos website?”

Etos conversational survey
Source: Etos

3. Give your mobile UX some love too

UX insights gathered on websites versus mobile apps are starkly different. In fact, they are two completely different experiences and should be treated as such in your feedback programme. Therefore, it’s important to separate your website and app feedback. This will give you a much better understanding of your mobile users and enable you to optimise according to their wishes.

Your mobile UX is something which must be continually optimised, meaning this feedback should be gathered frequently. This will help you pinpoint missing features and app errors in a timely manner, which will soften the blow when it comes to user frustration.

DHL does this beautifully. In the example below, they have embedded their mobile feedback survey into the menu of their app. Upon clicking the feedback option, users are presented with a survey that includes a subject option, an open answer section for tips and two ratings (general star rating) and

DHL embedded app form
Source: DHL

4. Use insights to boost on-page content

Another proven strategy for improving the user experience is by measuring the performance of on-page content. And surprise surprise, a great way of doing this is by capturing insights into the quality of the content. Feedback serves as a great tool for doing so. Many brands do this by gathering feedback on their most content-heavy pages such as FAQs and product descriptions. It can also be applied to other types of content such as explainer videos (as seen below on Etos’ website).

It is a great way of ensuring that your content or messaging resonates with your audience and gives you a quick indication of whether it needs to be written differently or updated.

In the example below, Etos uses an embedded feedback survey to measure how helpful their video about skincare ingredients is. It’s quick and easy to fill in with the application of a thumbs up and thumbs down survey.

Etos content survey
Source: Etos

British bank TSB also does this well. In the example below, they have used an embedded survey to gain insight into the quality of individual questions on their FAQ page. This is particularly useful for organisations in the finance sector as they typically have very content heavy pages on their websites and in-app.

TSB content survey
Source: TSB

5. Leverage feedback for targeted messaging

It’s not always about gathering insights but also about sharing information with your users. Many brands leverage their feedback solutions to send targeted notifications and messaging to users. Not only is this a great way of preventing multiple pop-up forms that often disrupt users, but it’s also ideal for sending out information to the right users at important touchpoints.

Bokadirekt (Sweden’s largest marketplace and app for booking services within the beauty and health industry) does this in a very unique way. In the example below, they use feedback surveys to give their users two options: ‘Book in the app’ or ‘Stay on the website’. As a result of the heightened awareness of their app, this survey led to a 65% increase in app downloads.

Bokadirekt notification survey
Source: Bokadirekt

6. Leverage feedback for product improvement

Measuring the performance of certain features and aspects of the app is also conducive to a good UX. In addition to other techniques such as heat mapping and product analytics tools like Mixpanel, user feedback has proven to be a very effective way of understanding product demand and usage. Are your products hitting the mark with users? How do you know how well a new feature is received by your users? What do they like about it? What don’t they like about it? These are the answers feedback will give you.

Feedback is also a great way of providing you with insights that will guide your digital product roadmap. Just look at how TOGGO (a brand by Germany’s leading kids’ entertainment provider SUPER RTL) does this below. Among other product feedback tactics, they use surveys for fake door testing. This enables them to pulse whether a feature (not yet released) is desirable or useful for their users before actually developing and/or putting it live.

Basically TOGGO ‘fakes’ a functionality on their website or in-app and when a user clicks on the functionality they are led to a message. If they click through, the user is shown a dialogue informing about the fact that this feature is only in the planning stages as of now. Also, it provides them with the opportunity to give some additional feedback on how they would like to use the functionality. This is a great indicator of how well the feature might perform, or how desirable it is (based on conversions).

TOGGO fake door survey
Source: TOGGO app

7. Capture feedback from your users before they drop off

User drop offs can be frustrating. And pinpointing exactly what happened is a difficult task when you’ve only got web analytics at your disposal. That is why many brands make use of what is called exit feedback.

Exit feedback is essentially a technique used to capture feedback from visitors before they leave your site or app. It’s a great way to gather insights in the moment while the experience is still fresh in their mind. How it works is the feedback survey is set up using certain triggers or parameters. That can be mouse movement (e.g. when a user wants to ‘x’ out of the page) or even time on page.

Ensuring a timely intervention can help you gauge why the user doesn’t convert and help you iron out the kinks for other users.

Allianz uses this type of feedback effectively on their website. So well, in fact, that they’ve seen some great results. With this survey, Allianz increased conversion from 0.48% to 3.50%, which translated to more than € 900,000 in additional premium turnover.

In the survey, they simply ask, “We would like to ask you a short question… Did you find what you were looking for?”
[YES / NO]

Allianz exit survey
Source: Allianz

8. Pinpoint UX issues with visual feedback

Another trusted way of improving your UX is by shedding light on design aspects that are preventing users from converting. A lot of times we think a certain feature or even function is intuitive, but the user doesn’t see it that way. Or perhaps there is an error on the page that you cannot reproduce and therefore cannot easily resolve. That is where visual feedback comes in.

Transavia does this beautifully. They include a visual feedback option in their general feedback surveys so that users always have the opportunity to provide visual feedback on any page of their site. This feedback can also be submitted with website data such as OS making it even easier to identify where a problem is occurring and by which users.

Transavia visual feedback
Source: Transavia

9. Maintain your brand’s aesthetic with branded surveys

A seamless user experience also requires good branding. Think about all the times you’ve seen plugins on websites and thought, “Wow, that really doesn’t blend well with the company’s brand. How ugly!”. This realisation can sometimes turn into something negative, as trust levels often drop when there is no customisation in place. That is why it is important to choose a solution that offers advanced customisation options. Not only will this enhance your brand recognition but also perception, and in turn give you higher survey engagement rates.

Just look at how TOGGO does this below. The survey is flawlessly integrated into the page, with all the right colours and fonts. Even the curved edges blend in well with the page.

TOGGO branded survey
Source: TOGGO app

Another great example is HEMA (the leading Dutch variety chain store). HEMA’s general feedback survey fits perfectly on the page, with the HEMA red and matching font making it a seamless addition.

HEMA branded survey
Source: HEMA

Learn more about survey branding here.

10. Trigger surveys at the right moment

The last piece to the puzzle is triggering surveys at the right moment. In addition to the previously mentioned exit feedback surveys, you can also gather feedback – for example – right after a transaction or something significant has happened. The feedback you gather from these types of forms is incredibly valuable in that there is the factor of enhanced relevance. The user is likely heavily engaged and will therefore have relevant feedback to provide.

Let’s take a look at how a few brands do this starting with (a major Dutch online retailer). Below they use an embedded survey on the purchase confirmation page. The form says: “We would like your opinion! How easy or difficult was it to complete your order?”
[Very hard … Very easy]

This is a great way to capture their feedback right after the interaction. in the moment survey

Additionally, the KvK (Dutch Chamber of Commerce) does this as well. They use an embedded survey on the Thank You page, including a rating for how easy the ordering process was.

KvK CES example
Source: KvK

And there you have it: our 10 proven strategies to improve your UX.

Elevate your UX with user feedback

As you can see from this list, there are many different ways to enhance your UX, regardless of industry. From online retailers to airlines and from government organisations to the media industry, there are plenty of techniques that will align with your UX strategy.

And by monitoring UX performance continuously (through feedback), you will be able to create and maintain a smooth frictionless digital journey.

So which feedback solution will help boost your UX best? Try Mopinion!

Mopinion is the #1 feedback software for websites, mobile apps and email. It has an easy-to-use interface, with which users can build, design and configure feedback forms however they like. Mopinion users can also target specific groups of visitors with feedback forms and gain insights into why they are struggling to convert. Once collected, feedback items can be visualised in customisable dashboards and charts for advanced analyses. Additionally, digital teams can share and take action on these feedback items in a timely manner with the help of smart alerts.

Our ‘one-stop shop’ offers:

  • Feedback forms (passive and active) for all your digital channels
  • Visual Feedback
  • Advanced surveys that include question routing
  • Conversational feedback
  • In-depth analysis, including text analytics, sentiment analysis, smart labeling, etc.
  • Advanced data visualisation with in-chart filtering and customisable dashboards
  • Seamless data exploration
  • Advanced action management

Ready to see Mopinion in action?

Want to learn more about Mopinion’s all-in-1 user feedback platform? Don’t be shy and take our software for a spin! Do you prefer it a bit more personal? Just book a demo. One of our feedback pro’s will guide you through the software and answer any questions you may have.

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