
How Luminor Group transforms corporate banking with user feedback

Luminor Group is the leading independent bank and the third-largest provider of financial services in the Baltic region. A key element of this success is their agile and forward-thinking business model; an approach that is clearly reflected in their digital banking platform Bridge.

Bridge is a specialised application designed for Luminor’s corporate customers, offering real-time account information, payment processing, transaction history management and much more. And given its extensive use by corporate clients, ensuring a simple and smooth user experience is crucial. Therefore, the product team sought out a solution that would help keep a pulse on customer needs and expectations: user feedback.

Nika Lomidze (Senior Product Manager for Corporate Digital Channels at Luminor Group) shares their story.

A robust digital banking solution for large corporations

Luminor’s Bridge application was built for large corporations that make thousands and thousands of transactions and payments. That translates to very heavy usage of the application. So it was critical that operations within this application ran smoothly and went off without a hitch. Our team quickly discovered that with feedback, we can ensure a frictionless experience.

Nika Lomidze

As a result of its extensive features and flexible pricing model, Mopinion won over the hearts of the Luminor product team and was quickly adopted into their product improvement program.

In terms of monitoring the user experience within the Bridge application, the Luminor product team’s objectives are twofold:

  • Pinpointing areas of improvement and ensuring smooth and simple operations with real-time feedback
  • Effectively managing communications with thousands of customers during new feature releases (using informative surveys that include updates, instructions and/or screenshots).

Pinpointing areas of improvement

To gauge how loyal and satisfied customers are, Luminor regularly gathers NPS feedback on the Bridge application’s website. These surveys are conducted every three months, targeting customers after a predefined amount of time on the website (e.g. 15-20 seconds).

Nika shares:

We use NPS as a metric in our surveys to quickly gauge customer sentiment. This metric is then followed by a second question asking what we can improve to make the experience better. And these are really meaningful insights because they provide us with reasoning behind a low (or high) score. This makes the feedback actionable for us when it comes to seeking improvements.

NPS survey - Luminor

This feedback is then handed over to the respective departments for further action. For example, the product owner uses these insights for the growth map and to identify where they should focus their efforts. Alternatively, the product support team can use these insights to help customers directly.

In addition to NPS surveys, Nika shares that Luminor also has a general feedback survey always running on the site. This enables customers to provide feedback whenever they want.

General feedback Luminor

Managing customer communications in an agile manner

The ability to push information to customers is also an objective the organisation has for its feedback programme.

This need stems from the fact that the Bridge application is an ever changing one. New features are continuously being developed and released, which can make informing customers a rather demanding process.

Nika and his team are therefore very happy with the opportunity to share information with customers via Mopinion’s feedback forms. It turns what might have been a very prolonged and bureaucratic process (involving multiple departments and sources of input) into a very agile one.

Luminor new features

“It is sometimes difficult to plan communications when features within the service are constantly changing. Mopinion helps us push communications quickly and effectively to our customers. This eliminates time-consuming barriers like having to collaborate with other departments, drafting text and putting that text in an email format with a pre-selected audience and so on. The software enables us to work more flexibly and get the message across in an acceptable time frame.”

Nika goes on to share that this flexibility was – in fact – the main criteria for him as a product owner (and as an agile scrum master). Surveys can be created and deployed in a matter of minutes, enabling them to notify customers of any changes. With ‘Direct Insights’ they can also monitor whether the customers have been made aware of those changes.

*Direct Insights is one of Mopinion’s unique features that shows all the results of your feedback forms in a neatly ordered and easily digestible format. It automatically updates your unique form insights whenever you make changes to one of your feedback forms. So you always have the most up-to-date insights at your fingertips.

A feedback software that truly delivers impact

Luminor’s Corporate Digital Channels team is overall very satisfied with the insights gained from Mopinion thus far.

“Now we can quickly identify trends with our feedback data and understand why something is happening on the website. The qualitative data is very effective for both our Product Team and Product Support Team.”

Nika shares that he would highly recommend Mopinion to other agile product owners in particular:

“If I look at all of our use cases, I am fully satisfied with Mopinion. We are able to achieve what we set out to achieve, in a quick and efficient manner. The solution is easy to use and very flexible, helping me do things in an acceptable time frame.”

Special thanks to Nika Lomidze and the team at Luminor for these interesting insights!

Ready to see Mopinion in action?

Want to learn more about Mopinion’s all-in-1 user feedback platform? Don’t be shy and take our software for a spin! Do you prefer it a bit more personal? Just book a demo. One of our feedback pro’s will guide you through the software and answer any questions you may have.

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